Destiny 2 is a popular online shooter video game that offers players an exciting and immersive experience. Players have access to different types of weapons ranging from exotic and legendary guns to heavy weaponry. In this article, we’ll explore the most fun to play weapons in Destiny 2. We’ll look at their pros and cons, how they compare to others in terms of performance, and what makes them fun to use. Finally, we’ll provide tips for making the most out of your weapons in Destiny 2. So if you’re looking for some new weapons to add to your arsenal or just want to know which ones are the most enjoyable, read on!
1. Exotic Weapons
Exotic weapons are some of the most powerful and sought-after weapons in Destiny 2. They are characterized by their unique perks, looks and stats which make them stand out from other weapons. Exotics often come with special abilities such as increased damage output or improved mobility and they require special badges in order to access them. Generally, exotic weapons have high accuracy, range and stability, making them ideal for long-range combat scenarios. However, these weapons also tend to be quite expensive and difficult to obtain, so you should think carefully before investing in one.

2. Legendary Guns
Legendary guns are powerful weapons that offer players a range of customizable options when it comes to their stats. They come with unique perks, looks and damage output which can be modified through special mods. These weapons also tend to have higher accuracy, range and stability than exotic weapons, making them great for long-range engagements. However, they can be expensive and difficult to obtain, so you should think carefully before investing in one. Legendary guns are suitable for all types of scenarios, from close quarters combat to long-range sniping. With the right set-up and mods, these weapons can be extremely deadly in the right hands.

3. Heavy Weapons
Heavy weapons are a diverse group of powerful weapons which can be difficult to use due to their slow rate of fire and large ammo capacity. However, when used correctly, heavy weapons can be devastating in the right hands. Heavy weapons include rocket launchers, machine guns and grenade launchers, all of which offer players an immense amount of firepower. These weapons usually have high impact damage, making them ideal for taking down larger targets or crowd control scenarios where you need to damage multiple enemies at once.
The downside of heavy weapons is that they typically require a lot more skill and practice to master compared to other types of weaponry. They also tend to have slower reload speeds and long cooldowns between shots, meaning that accuracy and timing are essential if you want to make the most out of them. However, when used correctly, heavy weapons can be an invaluable asset in any shooter game.
Overall, if you’re looking for a weapon that will offer you an immense amount of firepower and destruction potential, then heavy weapons are definitely worth considering. With their high damage output and long cooldowns between shots, they can be extremely powerful when used correctly. However, mastering their use takes practice and skill so make sure to take your time before investing in one. No matter what type of weapon you choose to use in Destiny 2, having fun is the most important part! So go out there and find the weapon which best suits your playstyle and have fun with it!
4. Performance Comparison
In Destiny 2, weapons come in a variety of shapes and sizes with differing stats and performance. Exotic weapons tend to be the most powerful, offering players high accuracy, range and stability as well as unique perks. Legendary guns offer customizable options when it comes to their stats, making them suitable for all types of scenarios. Finally, heavy weapons are characterized by immense firepower but require skill and practice to master.
When comparing the performance of each type of weapon, exotic weapons generally have an edge due to their unique perks and abilities. However, they can also be expensive and difficult to obtain which makes legendary guns a more viable option for many players. As far as heavy weapons go, they offer immense destruction potential but require skill and patience to master.
When it comes to accuracy, exotic weapons have the highest stats and are generally considered to be the most accurate type of weapon in Destiny 2. Legendary guns also offer good accuracy and can be further improved through modding, making them suitable for long-range engagements. Heavy weapons on the other hand typically lag behind in terms of accuracy due to their slow rate of fire and large ammo capacity.
In terms of range, exotic weapons again offer the highest stats with legendary guns not far behind. The benefit of legendary guns here is that they can be further modified through special mods which allows players to tailor their range performance depending on what situation they find themselves in. Heavy weapons have a much lower range than both exotics and legendaries, making them more suited for close range engagements.
5. Making the Most Out of Your Weapons in Destiny 2
Making the most out of your weapons in Destiny 2 can be a challenge for even the most experienced players. Although every weapon has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, there are some general tips that all players should keep in mind to ensure they get the best performance from their gear.
The first tip is to choose the right weapon for your playstyle. Different weapons have different stats and perks that cater to different kinds of gameplay, so it’s important to pick the one which will suit you best. Exotics tend to offer more powerful perks, but legendary guns may be better suited for certain scenarios due to their modding capabilities. Heavy weapons require skill and practice, but they can pack a huge punch when used correctly.

Second, take advantage of weapon mods to customize your guns. Mods can be used to enhance a gun’s accuracy, range, stability, and other stats. They can also be used to add perks such as increased reload speed or damage bonuses. Keep in mind that some weapons are better suited for certain mods than others so it’s important to choose wisely when customizing your gear.
Third, always keep an eye out for any special events or rewards which could give you access to powerful new weapons or exotic gear. Destiny 2 is full of surprises and opportunities for players who stay active and engaged with the game. In addition, make sure to check out vendor stock regularly as they often offer rare items at discounted rates.

Finally, practice makes perfect. Even the best guns and gear won’t be much help if you can’t aim or use them effectively. Spend some time in private matches or with friends to refine your shooting skills and get comfortable with the different weapons available in Destiny 2.
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, weapons in Destiny 2 come in a variety of shapes and sizes with exotic, legendary, and heavy guns all providing unique gameplay experiences. Each type of weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses which players should consider when making their choices. Exotic weapons offer powerful perks and abilities while legendaries can be modded for greater customization. Heavy guns are more difficult to manage but offer immense firepower for those willing to invest the time in mastering them.
It’s also important to remember that no matter what type of weapon you choose, practice is key. Spend some time practicing your shooting skills as this will make all other aspects of the game easier. Additionally, take advantage of any special events or rewards offered by Bungie so that you can get the best gear possible. Finally, use weapon mods to customize your guns and make sure you’re always ready for any situation. Check out our blog!
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